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Multimodality Parody Project: TIME Magazine

In Studies in Multimodality, I designed a parody project of a TIME magazine article on the Les Misérables character Enjolras, who is the leader of Les Amis de l’ABC, a group of students seeking to abolish the French monarchy by participating in the June Rebellion of 1832 in Paris, France. Les Misérables is my favorite musical, which inspired my idea for this project. I thought it would be interesting to merge history with parody through the lens of a fictional story and utilize a popular magazine (TIME) as the vehicle to express it through.


For one of my graduate courses, Advanced Writing with Technologies, I had to create a blog and write/develop consistent entries based on prompts assigned by my professor. The link to this blog is here:

I also contributed to a journal publication with a fellow colleague and one of my professors titled "On Returning to One’s Center for the First Time," from Southern Discourse in the Center: A Journal of Multiliteracy and Innovation. Here is the link to the publication:

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